MATH1011 Summer 2017/18

Unit plan

Date Workshop Content Lecturettes Unit reader
4/12 1 \(\mathbb{R}^n\), multivariable and vector valued functions, visualisations 1.1-1.4 Chapter 1
6/12 2 Limits of functions of one variable, vector valued functions, and functions of two variables, continuity 2.1-2.7 Chapter 2
8/12 3 Differentiation of functions of one variable, L’hospital’s rule, inverse functions 3.1-3.3 3.1-3.3
11/12 4 Differentiation of vector valued functions, motion in space 3.4, 3.6 3.4, 3.6
13/12 5 Partial derivatives tangent vectors, tangent planes 3.6-3.10 3.6, 3.7
15/12 6 Chain rule for partial derivatives, directional derivatives, differentiability of multivariable functions, Jacobian matrix 3.11-3.14 3.7-3.10
18/12 7 Extrema of multivariable functions 4.1-4.5 Chapter 4
20/12 8 Integration by substitution, partial fractions, and parts 5.1,5.2,5.4,5.5 6.2 excluding 6.2.3
22/12   Mid-summester test (30%)    
    Christmas/New year    
5/1   Census and Academic withdrawal    
8/1 9 Riemann sums and integrals with applications 5.6, 5.7 6.3, 6.5
10/1 10 Double integrals 6.1-6.3 7.1
12/1 11 Triple integrals, centre of mass 6.4-6.6 7.2,7.3
15/1 12 Change of coordinates in double and triple integrals, polar, cylindrical and spherical coordinates 7.1,7.2 Chapter 8
17/1 13 Path and surface integrals of functions 8.1-8.3 Chapter 9
19/1 14 Path and surface integrals of vector fields 8.4 10.1,10.3
22/1 15 Differential equations, solutions and applications, first order ODE solution techniques 9.1-9.3 12.1-12.3
24/1 16 Solution techniques for linear second order ODE 9.4-9.6 12.4-12.7
26/1   Australia Day, no classes    
5/2-9/2   Examination period